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‘Women Build Ships Too’, the project of Gdansk Entrepreneurship Incubator STARTER, aims to strengthen the leadership competencies of women working in the maritime and logistics industry in Pomerania region in Poland, raising their visibility as experts and promoting their work in the industry among young people.
The actions implemented so far include:
Interview with Anna Miler and Anna Dukowska
Would you like to know more about our mentoring program? Read an interview with Anna Miler – project manager and Anna Dukowska – expert who prepares and supports mentors in their work. The interview was conducted by INFORM’s Matthew Wittemeier in October 2020. Go to the link: http://terminalmag.syncrotess.com/2021/05/03/women-in-maritime-with-anna-miler-and-anna-dukowska/
Czytaj całośćWomen and Girls in Science – call for papers
‘Women and Girls in Science’ is a title of the session at the fifth edition of the International Sopot Youth Conference entitled ‘Where the World is Heading’. The conference is organized by the Sopot Science Association (SSA) and is headed to young scientists or science enthusiasts, university students, Ph.D. students…
Czytaj całośćLearn more about the project
‘Women Build Ships Too’, the project of Gdansk Enterpreneurship Incubator STARTER, aims to strengthen the leadership competencies of women working in the maritime and logistics industry, raising their visibility as experts and promoting their work in the industry among young people. The inauguration of the project in 2019 coincided with…
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